

The Grantee Code (§ 2.926) is a three or five digit code used to designate the manufacturer or responsible
party (referred to as Grantee) for products that have been certified under the equipment authorization
certification procedure (Part 2, Subpart J). For individually approved products under a Grantee Code, the
Grantee establishes a unique FCC ID. When the product is approved (by the FCC or a TCB) a Grant of
certification is issued and identified by an FCC identifier (FCC ID). The FCC ID consists of the Grantee
Code concatenated with the grantee’s equipment product code to identify: (1) the manufacturer or
responsible party; and (2) the specific product.
A Grantee Code will have three characters if issued prior to May 1, 2013 and five characters if issued on
or after May 1, 2013. A grantee code consists of Arabic numerals (except zero (0) and one (1)), capital
letters, or a combination thereof. Three character Grantee Codes begin with a letter followed by two
characters and five character Grantee Codes begin with a number from 2-9 followed by four characters.
A Grantee Code is assigned to a specific applicant at a specific address and is the first portion of each
FCC ID for devices authorized under the Certification procedure (§ 2.925).
All new Grantee Code assignments as well as all changes of Grantee Code information must be submitted

下一篇:如何获得FCC grantee code